Terre in Vista

Terre in Vista
Terra in Vista is a work made of digital prints placed outside the Museum MUPA Museo del Paesaggio in Torre di Mosto.

Some landscape shots of the countryside surrounding the Museum through their multiplication and specular rearrangement have turned into a series of abstract visions. 

From Spring to Winter, Morucchio has photographed a multiplicity of landscapes around the Museum: plowed and naked fields, fields full of grass, fields with rows of buds and newborn plants;perspectives of flat surfaces pushed to the distant horizon, cut by very straight lines of ditches, by rows of trees and artificial rows of light poles; then the silvery ribbons of canals and the two rivers Brian and Livenza.

"An atlas of visual perceptions emerged. The land of Boccafossa is a landscape of geometric entities. These preside over his subjects and govern its whims and forms; but also, on the other hand, the earth of man seems to order itself almost in a delirium of geometries, of abstract perfections: that someone can extract and abstract from its surfaces. Extracting the spatial and colorful ideas of this landscape and their lively combination, making these image essences, is the substance of Morucchio's research." (Giorgio Baldo)