Puzzling Project | 2020

PUZZLING | Puzzling Project works from 2015 to 2020 | 216 pages | Venezia 2020 | Texts by S. Cecchetto, L. Cornejo Brugés, T. Toniato | Design by M. Rosso | MyMonkey Edizioni | Bugno Art Gallery | it/eng
Puzzling - the book
216 pages, all the digital mosaic works - from Puzzling Flowers to Puzzling Pop created since 2015 as well as three texts by three critics and curators who have followed Morucchio's work over the years: Stefano Cecchetto, Laura Cornejo Brugés and Toni Toniato. Graphic design by Matteo Rosso of sebastianogirardistudio Published by MyMonkeyEdizioni. The publication is produced by Bugno Art Gallery, Venice.