Talk: The Evocation of the Genius Loci | 2021
On Friday October 22 I gave a talk at the Steentjeskerk, Eindhoven on the occasion of the 3rd Majhi International Art Residency
The theme of this edition, curated by Kehkasha Sabah and organized by Durjoy Bangladesh Foundation is "Land, Water and Border."
The title of my talk is : "The Evocation of the Genius Loci from the burning forests of Tasmania to the city of Venice during lockdown periods.”
An analysis of how a series of artistic projects by Andrea Morucchio (Eidetic Bush - Engagement Acts - Percer-Voir - Red Track - Venezia Anno Zero) through different techniques and expressions have in common the evoking of the Genius Loci (the Spirit of the place) and consequently activate processes of awareness that move the consciousness of the public towards ecological and social issues.